Sellers 23 April 2024

So you think you wanna sell your house?

So you think you wanna sell your house?🏠 OK great!👍🏼
what’s the first thing you do???
Well; probably tell your friends and they say; hey I know an agent give them a call! This agent comes over, they give you a few pointers & gives you a value for your house 🏡 what it might be worth on the open market.

Now let’s be honest the agent wants to “win” your listing so they tell you your house is worth $X 💵💵💵or what they think you want to 👂 hear.

You think great but let’s get a second opinion we know another agent let’s see if someone else thinks it worth more 🤷🏼‍♀️maybe we can get more….💵

you call someone else maybe 🤞 me, I come over and say well sir or ma’am you need to declutter, paint 🎨 🧑‍🎨 and hire a cleaner to come take care of the 15 years of dirt and dust that has accumulated you likely no longer even see.
Also your house is probably only worth $x which is let’s say 15,000 less than the last guy said 😳… WAIT, WHAT?

Who would you hire??? The guy that tells you what you want to hear in order to “win” you over?💰 Or the person who is brutally honest and treats you like they would treat their family?

Of course you are hiring the guy who tells you it’s worth more because that’s what you want, to believe his/her value “their numbers”, you want to believe your house is worth 15,000 more! I would too.🪄🎩 🐇
Oh and you probably didn’t like be told your house is “dirty” or has too much clutter😞that was rude 😬!

1st guy comes in and takes pictures of your cluttered house, shows it all dirty and messy and a couple weeks later no offers, feedback is price, agent says we need to reduce the price… of course you do but WHY? Here’s what they’re not telling you!

#1 because it was over priced in the 1st place (maybe not as much as I thought or maybe even more 🤷🏼‍♀️ in its current cluttered condition)
#2 because it’s cluttered & buyers can’t see past all your clutter (but maybe they can if it’s a steal of a deal so keep reducing till someone steals it)🤦🏼‍♀️
#3 it’s too much work…all buyers see is a pile of work not a comfortable home, which, in reality might not be that much work at all, but no one wants to buy a house they have to clean, paint or renovate before they move in or worse do the work while they are living in it!

None of us agents want to come into your house and offend you by telling you to clean it up, spend money painting, get rid of your old ratty furniture or bed spread, wash your walls and take out the 🗑️. If I do that you hate me if I don’t you are not getting as much 💸value out of your house as possible! Humm what a dilemma!

When we become a team, I am there to help you along the way, give you ideas, scenarios, & strategies to use, hopefully to win the game…I don’t say things to hurt your feelings but to make you a better player! You do what’s best for you depending on your circumstances each day…and BTW your circumstances can change at any moment, just like the market, so we may have to & can change our strategy at any time.
I love this game… at some point all the great players become coaches, so I coach people to success. It allows me to be in the middle of the action using my skills everyday, my strategy is not always perfect but I certainly play to 🏆 win! Not for the paycheque, not for anything else but for the ❤️ of the game! And I hope it shows!
If you are thinking about selling in the near future message me…I want to help you get ready to win 🏅on game day!